Delicious Vegan Peach Cobbler Recipe w/out Sugar | Vegan

Written by Mind Yourself on December 11, 2011 in Nutrition | Recipes - No comments
vegan peach cobbler | vegan recipe

No butter, no milk, no egg, NO Refined SUGAR… and absolutely delicious.

Top crusted peach cobbler is a family favorite of one of my best friends. I shared with them that I am trying to keep my sugar intake to a minimum and that the diary product consumption was an issue with my current diet. So, they gave me the recipe and told me to do what I can to make it work.

Here you go, Meatless Monday recipe for this week, drum roll please… Completely Vegan, Top Crusted Peach Cobbler without refined sugar. Try it, enjoy it, and go ahead and lick the plate, this is the pleasure of making it at home. There are some vegan restaurants in Chicago that have pulled it off as well but of course they would not share their recipe.

Ingredients for Filling

2 bags of frozen peaches
2/3 cup of agave nectar
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of flour
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of almond milk
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

  1. Place peaches on the bottom of a 9 X 11 inch baking pan
  2. Pour vegetable oil over peaches (if using optional ingredients, mix almond milk and lemon juice in with vegetable oil prior to pouring over peaches)
  3. Mix in flour and salt with agave nectar and spread evenly over peaches
  4. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top

Ingredients for Crust:

2/3 cup agave nectar
2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup of coconut milk
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon of almond milk
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

  1. Add agave nectar, coconut milk, vegetable oil, flour, baking powder and salt and mix well until the consistency is a batter (optional ingredients add more flavor and texture in the absence of butter, mix in almond milk and lemon juice with the rest of the ingredients for the crust).
  2. Pour batter over peaches

Preheat oven to 325 degrees fahrenheit. Place in oven and cook for 65 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Enjoy this down home favorite that you can add to your Meatless Monday dessert menu. Peach Cobbler without the sugar rush is permanently on our menu.

If you want to mix it up, you can change one of the bags of frozen peaches for frozen berries or you can add some fresh berries before eating with a little vegan ice cream. Do what you feel…

If you are interested we have some other vegan recipes on the site.

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