Living a Yogic Lifestyle

Written by Guest Blogger on November 17, 2011 in Yoga - No comments
Yoga Lifestyle

By Get Lifted

This passage from Pantajali’s Yoga Sutras really resonates with me. It is sutra 34 of Chapter 2, one of the longest chapters. It is said that this Chapter characterizes the status of the majority of students, whose paths are filled with obstacles. We try our best (at least I do) on a daily basis to protect our thoughts and emotions, but we do encounter obstacles on the path to the true Self. We can turn to the Yoga Sutras for practical advice on the nature of the mind and removal of suffering. In this Sutra, we can really find true direction on controlling our thoughts and understanding the impact negative thoughts can have on ourself those around us.

“Negative thoughts and emotions are violent,
in that they cause injury to yourself and others,
regardless of whether they are performed by you,
done by others,
or you permit them to be done.
They arise from greed, anger, or delusion
regardless of whether they arise from mild, moderate, or excessive emotional intensity.
They result in endless misery and ignorance.
Therefore, when you consistently cultivate the opposite thoughts and emotions,
the unwholesome tendencies are gradually destroyed.”

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali II, 34 as interpreted by Mukunda Stiles

If you would like to learn more about the secondary and primary benefits of yoga, feel free to browse MindYourselfChicago’s breathing exercises and other yoga articles throughout the site. You can also find a yoga studio near you in Chicago with the easy search by zip code Chicago Yoga Studio Directory.

About the author: Get Lifted is a Chicago area yoga instructor with ten years of background and experience in both practicing and teaching yoga. He has traveled the world practicing and studying with teachers deeply rooted in the ancient forms of the art, philosophy and science of the practice. His over 1,000 hours of yoga teacher training has been with instructors with combined yoga teaching experience of over 100 years; passing down the tradition of kriya, puja, pranayama, mantra, samyama, yoganidra and asana.

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